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Cassandra Ong

I started learning from Jonathan & Peggie when I was 12 years old. At that time I started with line dancing and in late 2011, Teacher Peggie introduced me to latin dance and from there I have never stop learning latin. 


My confidence and self-esteem was super low and I could not face myself with strangers. But after learning latin dance from them, I am able to face people with confidence. My dance skills also improved after joining Teacher Peggie’s Dancesport Body Sculpting classes on Thursday. And after learning from Jasyn and Germaine's teachings on Sunday, I can “feel” the music more and improved more in my dance. I even won some medals in the recent competitions this year! 


Thank you to all teachers; Jonathan, Peggie, Germaine and Jasyn for all the hard work in teaching and guidance.


Griselda Chiang

I started dancing at Seng Kang Community Centre with Teacher Jonathan to dancing with Teacher Peggie, Teacher Jonathan, Teacher Germaine and Teacher Jasyn at Jonathan and Peggie Dance Studio. These years under their guidance have not only improved my dancing skills but also my confidence and moral values like discipline and respect.

It is a great opportunity be a student of Teacher Jonathan as he is an adjudicator and has the experience of watching different dancers.

I enjoy being taught by Teacher Peggie as she makes lessons fun and she is extremely experienced.

I think Teacher Germaine is a good teacher as she is very precise and she has taught me that the slightest detail can also be the biggest mistake.

Teacher Jasyn not only choreograph nice dance steps, she also has different exercises to improve in our dance, such as conditioning etc.

Being taught by all these teachers is a great experience!


Jaslynn Lee

I have been learning from Jonathan & Peggie Dance Studio for many years. I have been taught by Teacher Jonathan, Teacher Peggie, and both their daughters. Teacher Jonathan leaves the biggest impression on me because he was the first teacher I had and he taught me all the basics, allowing me to achieve good results since my first competition. They are all very patient with us and always helps us to upgrade our skills so that we can appear most attractive on the dance floor.


Watching Germaine and Jasyn dance motivates me to work harder to become a better dancer and person. Thank you teachers for always supporting us and I hope to continue dancing here for many years to come.


Serene Chin

I joined latin dance for two reasons - to improve my fitness as well as my posture. I have a mild case of scoliosis and a forward head posture, and after hearing my sis share with me about the changes in her posture after she started dance, I decided to join as well even though I have had no dance experience prior to this. My lifestyle was also rather sedentary as I did not exercise regularly. 


I’m slightly over a year in after starting dance with the studio, and I’ve come to see improvements in my posture. Many of my friends had commented that my posture had improved, and upon going for a health checkup a few months back, I realised my height had increased by 2cm. I’ve also seen improvement in my strength and stamina which are areas I have always been weak in! 


The teachings at The Moving Artistry have helped me grow in my body awareness - prior to joining dance I did not know what muscles aided in certain movements. Such body awareness greatly aids in body coordination and understanding how to dance with the correct technique. Additionally, the instructors (Peggy 老师, Jasyn and Germaine) at the studio are warm and patient, and have constantly been greatly supportive and encouraging during my entire dance journey with them. They are always generous with their knowledge and expertise to their students, and never hesitate to answer any questions I have! 


If I could offer a piece of advice, it would be to learn to be patient with yourself! When I first started out, I found it easy to get frustrated with myself because I couldn’t see immediate improvement. However, I came to understand (with input from the instructors) that it takes time to train the right muscles, and one shouldn’t rush to see results. Consequently, I find myself coming for dance with a more relaxed attitude :) As long as consistent effort is put in, there will be results reaped in the long term!


Angela Tan

When I first stepped into the studio 10 years ago, I was taken aback by all the beautiful, sexy and slim dancing students.


I would like to thank Teacher Peggie for her strict discipline in dancing techniques and her encouragement. I have found a place to relax from my work stress by focusing on executing the right dance techniques. It may be tough at times but the joy comes when I find a breakthrough and my spirit is boosted 100 percent.


Formerly, I release my stress by hanging out with friends while drinking beer and eating finger foods. This change in habit has transformed my life and I am never looking back!


Last but not least, I appreciate and enjoy the yoga class taught by Jasyn. She has helped me recognize my muscle anatomy and build body awareness through practice,  and proper breathing.


Our motto is Age is just a number, endurance and patience is the key.


Brenda Chua

I am currently attending Dancesport Body Sculpting conducted by Peggie 老师, Jasyn and Germaine.; Yoga and Street Jazz classes conducted by Jasyn; and lastly Contemporary class by Aiden. Every single one of them has helped me tremendously in all classes. 

In my opinion, the best teaching from TMA is their strong focus on muscle engagement. I really enjoy Peggie 老师 and Jasyn’s classes as they are always emphasising on the right muscle engagement for each dance movement. I find this very fundamental for executing moves the right way without inflicting injuries upon ourselves.

Every class that I’ve attended is truly an enjoyable session! Jasyn is a patient, attentive and warm instructor to every student in her class. She pays close attention to details in our alignment and dance moves for yoga and street jazz respectively.

In yoga classes, I like that she brings us through the moves with clear instructions, and emphasises on the importance of alignment and to always listen to our bodies. She encourages us to push our bodies to do interesting yoga poses whilst maintaining the correct alignment so that we don’t hurt ourselves unnecessarily.


In street jazz dance class, I appreciate Jasyn’s class structure and attention to form/texture of her choreography. In dance class, Jasyn will take us through conditioning/drilling of key dance move(s) that will be used in that class’ choreography before teaching us the choreography. I really liked that she takes time to explain and break down the move/technique, as it is important to learn the fundamentals for proper execution and the correct usage of muscles to prevent injuries. The pace of her class is great - more time is spent on conditioning and practising choreography taught in previous week(s) than introducing new choreography. Kudos to Jasyn for her classes!

Words of advice: Consistency is key! 

Other things I like about TMA is the convenience of the studio to public transport (near Bendemeer station (DTL), Lavender station (EWL) and there are buses serving up to the building). The studio is clean and well-maintained. I would recommend TMA to anyone who is determined to embark on a fitness journey. Because every instructor in TMA is equally as determined to guide anyone through our journey (sometimes even more determined than us).


Lim Hui Shan

Before joining The Moving Artistry, I was not someone who would exercise regularly, and only irregularly dropped by different yoga studios with ClassPass. Back then, it was difficult to improve in yoga because of studio-hopping and having different instructors in each class who may not know how to push you. 

Ever since I joined The Moving Artistry, it has done wonders in improving my yoga practice and mindset. Under Jasyn's constant guidance and targeted teaching, even though I may not be extremely strong or adept in yoga, I feel that my physical and mental health has improved tremendously compared to before! Difficult poses that seemed impossible are now accessible with Jasyn's guidance. Above all, yoga is not only a physical practice, but it is also a philosophy — asana practice has helped me to gain a deeper connection with the spiritual aspect of yoga, which has helped me with personal challenges in my life. 

Jasyn is a dedicated instructor who is attentive to every student's needs. With a good understanding of every student's ability, she is also able to know how to encourage and help a student improve/reach their potential.


Each week, she also prepares a unique routine that challenges us in different ways, and it culminates in a yoga pose of the week. Whenever possible, she would break down difficult poses that the class may struggle with and assist each student at whatever stage they are at.


Apart from being a yoga instructor, Jasyn is also a friend who shows care and encouragement for her students' lives outside of the studio. This makes the studio a homely place and community for us to return to.

I would recommend The Moving Artistry to all who would like to deepen their practice in yoga, under the guidance of an instructor who is able to understand your needs and strengths, and is able to push you to be better each week!

When I first started yoga, I couldn't even hold a downward dog pose for long without my arms shaking. But the most important thing is to keep at it, even if its just once a week — we will all get better over time, if we commit to it!


Shervon Lim

I have been dancing with JPDS for 6 years, and I have been receiving rewards from competitions since the age of 8. However, the most rewarding thing I have ever received is attending latin dance lessons with my teachers - Teacher Peggie, teacher Jonathan, teacher Jasyn and teacher Germaine. Not only have I learnt new dancing skills from them, I have also learnt to persevere even more when I face difficulties and learnt to have sportsmanship during each competition I have participated in. 

My teachers always make dancing lessons joyous for us such that after every lesson, I will feel satisfied and my heart will be extremely full. While their lessons are fun, they are also very strict in teaching. When taking their class, I have to be disciplined and respectful to my peers as my teachers do not tolerate nonsense. 

Summing up my years of taking dance classes,  I have improved a ton and I have also became a better person with great values. Taking lessons with TMA are truly fruitful and interesting, and I will definitely continue my passion in dancing.


Ho Lin Xuan

"Remember to continue to breathe through difficult moments in life just like how you don't hold your breath through difficult poses."


The Moving Artistry has taught me more than just poses; it's a friendly community here and the lessons are also a reminder for me to always take time out of my busy work schedule to take care of the mind and health.


The lessons are a good mix of meditation, stretching and a workout. The instructor, Jasyn is not only knowledgeable but attentive as well, as she provides varying poses depending on your level and what you need.


It's amazing seeing the improvements in my posture, flexibility, strength and self-confidence in merely a few months. 


I am really excited for the journey ahead with them and I foresee myself continuously improving physically and mentally.  The Moving Artistry has completely made me fall in love with the art of yoga and I can't imagine life without them now. I am grateful to have kick started my yoga journey with them. It is my utmost pleasure to recommend The Moving Artistry for anyone looking for somewhere to practice yoga.


Celine Neo

 I have been dancing Latin with JPDS since 2012. I have been taught by Teacher Jonathan, Teacher Peggie and both their daughters. What inspires me and pushes me on is the support I have received from my teachers. They have never given up on me. They always supported me and they are very patient with the students. When I could not get many of the basics right, they will spend one whole private lesson with me, so that I could grasp the basics right before moving on to the next level. The teachers here are very sincere in teaching and they just want the best for the students. Through these few years, I have formed unbreakable bonds with them. Thank you teachers from TMA!


Joyce Zheng

When I first joined, I was struggling with self esteem and posture issues. People around me always remind me to stand straight, but somehow I can only do that for a while before I go back to slouching or bad posture. 


After I joined for a while, I  was more aware of the root of my posture issues and was taught the different ways I can potentially correct them. The exercise and practice that we do in class, and the instructors' tips and encouragement helped me to be more mindful when I catch myself slouching. I know I am still a work in progress, but I am thankful for their patience and their zeal in helping me correct my posture, such that whenever I went for lessons, they would drop me reminders and encouragement! Which gave me some reassurance that I can eventually correct my posture and make more  progress along the way. For that, I enjoy the classes and look forward to going for them weekly :)


I would recommend anyone who wants to build a good posture and physique or even to use dance as a form of exercise to try out this class! The lessons were insightful, as we will learn to work the different muscles that we seldom think of or may have neglected training on. This class not only will help you break out a good sweat, but also train the right muscle that can improve your posture. 

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Quek Kai Min

I have been with Jonathan & Peggie Dance Studio for seven years. Dance is something that empowers one to be a better person. The teachers here have enabled for me to grow not only as a dancer but as an individual as well, and for that, I am eternally grateful. 


Indefinitely, they have helped me significantly in my dance journey, teaching me techniques in dance, and also values in life. Having started out as a beginner in dance, I am now a competitive dancer who has won many awards.


The difference between this dance studio and the many others in the industry is that all dancers here, see each other as friendly competition, helping each other when needed, like a family. Making the decision to join this family was definitely a decision I have never regretted making. 


Joining us will definitely allow for your child or yourself to learn the beauty of dance and the value behind it.


Emily Cheng

I have been dancing in J&P dance studio for about 8-9 years. I started learning at Sengkang CC, taught by Teacher Jonathan. The teachers teach the students good quality techniques and routines. I would not mind learning from J&P dance studio as I grow older. J&P dance studio also provide the students with chances and opportunities to join various competitions for experience, etc. I would like to thank the teachers Jonathan, Peggie, Germaine and Jasyn for teaching me with patience for such a long period of time.


Yoong Jun Ming

I started dancing at J&P Dance Studio since I was 11. Little did I know what started as a weekly hobby became a great part of my life.


Beyond training for better posture, feet alignment and styling, dancing taught me more than just dance. It taught me how to persevere through training, to be patient with myself, and to be committed to practice. 


I’m very thankful for my teachers for their guidance and support. They are committed to teaching the correct techniques and constantly pushing us to our best potential. We are also encouraged to go for competitions to motivate ourselves and increase our exposure. 


I would strongly recommend J&P Dance Studio to anyone who is keen to start Latin Dance!

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Teo Ting Wei

Ever since I started learning dance with Jonathan and Peggie at the age of 21, I have never left! Peggie is the most inspirational teacher I have ever had in my life, who never gives up on any of her students no matter what level they are at! I love the dance culture in this studio, where we are all friends and always looking out for one another.


Katherine Tan

With loose core muscles coupled with weak arms, I tend to slouch and hunch when I first joined. With Jasyn's dedication and guidance, my body attained strength and I can finally achieve the plough pose within a short span on my 10th lesson. Thank you Jasyn for believing in me.


Amy Lau

Before Jasyn's classes, I used to be limping due to a hip and knee injury issue. But after attending her classes, I can feel that I can walk with greater ease, and I can see some fat loss in my waist and hip area due to the muscle training in Jasyn's class.


Katharine Kuay

Working in front of the laptop daily made my shoulders very stiff, and Jasyn's lessons helped me relax my whole body and mind. I also realised that my posture has improved gradually after attending her lessons.


Instructor Jasyn is very patient and detailed in her teaching. Through her, I learn how to use my core muscles to enhance my posture each time.


Lee Hui Min

I have been dancing at Jonathan & Peggie Dance Studio for five years since 2013. I thoroughly enjoy my Rumba and Cha Cha dance lessons under the instructions of Teacher Peggie. Teacher Peggie is very approachable and friendly, and concerned about her students’ wellbeing and ability to follow the lesson. I like the emphasis on both choreography and techniques, which allows me to grow and improve my strength and skills as a latin dancer. Over the years, I have gained a deeper appreciation and understanding regarding the muscle movement and core strength needed in Latin dance. I also enjoy the fun community of friendly students that makes the studio a haven I look forward to every Monday.

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Jess Koh

It is my pleasure to recommend Jonathan & Peggie Dance Studio. I started out my first dance lesson with them 10 years ago and I never stopped since. On average I spend 2-3 hours, 3 times a week in the studio.

With our busy lifestyle these days, dancing is very therapeutic to the soul and mind, and it is a good form of body exercise/sport. On top of that, it conditions the muscles and improves the body posture. After a long day at work, the studio provides haven for the body, soul and mind.

The studio conducts many types of dances from beginner to professional level. If you want to start dancing today, visit Jonathan & Peggie Dance Studio.

"There are shortcuts to happiness, and dancing is one of them" - Vicki Baum

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Sim Rui Qi

I started learning latin dance at Sengkang CC from Teacher Jonathan at the age of five, after which i came over to the studio, and was consequently taught by teacher Peggie, Germaine and Jasyn. All of them are very patient and detailed in their teachings, giving me countless opportunities to improve in dance. Throughout my journey at J&P, I’ve learnt to express myself through dance, as well as make lifelong friends and wonderful memories. I am looking forward to continue my dance journey with J&P, under the guidance of all teachers.


Shannon Ng

I started dancing since I was in K2, and the first place I went to was Sengkang Community Club under Teacher Jonathan’s guidance. I’ve learned Latin for 9-10 years. Initially when I first started, I did not have any interest, but ever since Teacher Jasyn taught us, I began to develop more interest in dance. Teacher Jasyn motivates me to do better in dance and she has taught us many skills she learnt back in Beijing. I thought it was very fun and interesting when she taught us both techniques and new steps in order to grow as a dancer.

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Lee Hui Teng

 I have been dancing in this studio since I was 7. Jasyn really motivates us to dance and I was really inspired by her thoughts; she is always speaking out her mind and does not care about judgements. She did not just show us how important dance is, but also showed how important our value is. I really think that she’s a nice teacher as she always tries her best to improve us.


Di Dong Tian Hui

 I have been learning at Jonathan & Peggie Dance Studio for 6 years. Teacher Peggy and Teacher Jonathan have been training me patiently over these years. I have learnt a variety of dances such as Rumba, Chacha, Jive and Samba. Other than that, they also teach me a lot of useful techniques. Dancing Latin will help me to keep fit, build up my muscles and give my body a good shape such as keeping my body upright instead of slouching. Teacher Peggy and Teacher Jonathan are not only strict but also kind and caring just like how my mother cares for me, especially Teacher Peggie. She cares about my posture, body alignment and health. Under their coaching, I was able to achieve many prizes. I am very thankful for such a wonderful experience. 


An Ngyuen

I have been at Jonathan & Peggie Dance Studio for almost 4 years and it’s doubtless to say that Laoshi Jonathan, Laoshi Peggie, Germaine, Jasyn and the dancers at the studio have become family to me. It is where I learnt about the basics, the techniques and the spirit of latin dance, it is where I learnt how to push myself beyond my limits. 


Laoshi Jonathan and Peggie are genuine and take very good care of the students. Their passion for dance and sincerity have really touched the bottom of my heart. 


Germaine and Jasyn are talented, approachable and always more than willing to help me and other dancers to improve our dancing. They also conduct classes to expose us to other dance genres and enrich our dance vocabularies. 


I would recommend Jonathan & Peggie Dance Studio to anyone who wants to pick up or learn more about latin dance. It is absolutely a great place to be in!

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